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PEX 113 Basketball (1 credits)
训练和混战提供了加强传球、投篮和篮板技能的机会. 进攻战术和防守策略也将呈现. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 129 Volleyball (1 credits)
介绍排球的基本规则、技巧和策略. The individual skills of passing, setting, hitting, blocking, 发球将通过练习和比赛经验来教授. Perimeter and rotation defenses will be covered. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 134 Rock Climbing (1-2 credits)
攀岩是对如何在室内环境中安全攀岩的基础知识的介绍,它过渡到可以应用于室外的中级技能. From this course, 学生将了解基本的保护技术, climbing technique, rappelling, climbing knots, basic climbing anchors; second half of the semester will include lead belaying and lead climbing skills. Several classes will be held outdoors. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 143 Karate (1-2 credits)
为初学者介绍武术,并为更高级的学生继续训练. 学生将学习武术技能,通过实践的基础,形式和对打. Together, with the self-defense aspect, 学生将通过纪律严明的训练而产生的自信,发展出一种幸福感. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 148 Tai Chi (1-2 credits)
太极拳是一种内部武术和一套自我练习. 因为它是一种内部武术,它仅用于自卫. It is comprised of four parts: meditation, warm-up exercises, Tai Chi Ch'uan movements, and cool-down exercises. By integrating these four parts, 学生学会将身体的各个部分结合成一个整体, exercising every muscle, joint, tendon, ligament, and especially the mind. Tai Chi can be used as a wellness program, an exercise program, and a relaxation program, all rolled into one. 除平底鞋外,不需要特殊设备. Can be performed anywhere. 太极拳教导学生与自己和自然和谐相处. 它是一门艺术,通常被称为“动态的诗歌”.最多可计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 149 Zumba (1-2 credits)
尊巴健身课是一种“健身派对”,将欢快的世界节奏与简单易懂的舞蹈编排结合在一起, 为了一个全身锻炼,感觉像一个庆祝活动. 除了很好的有氧运动,尊巴舞还能锻炼腹肌、大腿、臀大肌和手臂. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 169 Yoga (1-2 credits)
参加各种课程将增加学生的整体灵活性, enhance physical strength and stamina, increase heart and lung function, 培养初学者和有经验的瑜伽练习者的健康和幸福. Correct structural alignment will be emphasized as well as linking movement with breath; effort with relaxation; and the mind, body, and spirit. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 170 Cardio Fitness (1-2 credits)
In addition to improving cardiovascular fitness, 这个有氧运动课程将帮助你燃烧脂肪和卡路里,提高你的新陈代谢率. 有氧运动还能有效地减轻压力,提升情绪,提高警觉性. 该课程可以根据大多数健身水平和条件进行修改. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 172 Body Contouring and Conditioning (2 credits)
旨在加强身体活动,以改善整体健康和生活质量. Students will learn knowledge of muscle groups, target heart rate, 定期锻炼的潜在好处包括提高心血管耐力, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and improved body contour. Students will participate in aerobic activities, calisthenics and sculpting-isometric exercise, sports, conditioning, and flexibility training. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 173 Circuit Training (1-2 credits)
这个课程的目的是燃烧卡路里,塑造和调整你的整个体质. 学生们将在房间里移动到不同的位置, set up for high intensity interval training, strength training, and core training. 学生将学习以正确的形式执行调节和重量训练动作, showing increased strength and endurance. Class can be modified for most fitness levels. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 180 Strength Training (1-2 credits)
Get stronger, leaner, healthier! In this class, 学生将以正确的形式执行重量和力量训练动作, resulting in reduced body fat, increased lean muscle, improved muscle sculpting, and more efficient calorie burning. 这个1学分的课程非常适合你繁忙的日程安排, providing an intense, 30-minute, non-stop workout of all major muscle groups. 这门2学分的课程通过更频繁的会面和更长的上课时间来加强力量训练. 这个课程可以根据任何健身水平进行修改. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 183 Weight Training (3 credits)
正确的形式和技巧的举重练习将教在开始班部分. 学生将学习如何实施不同的计划和方法来帮助他们实现目标. 将讨论提高安全性的定位技术. 提供额外的部分,以帮助学生发展更强大和改善体质. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 199 Special Topics (1-2 credits)
开放式锻炼是PEX定期提供的专题课程之一. 这是一个自己设计的健身课程,充分利用了健身设施和设备. 其他PEX 199课程是基于当前的趋势和兴趣. 个别专题PEX课程的描述可以在当前的课程表中找到. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

PEX 207 Total Fitness and Weight Control (2 credits)
本课程将提供信息和工具,帮助学生在健身方面做出基于证据的决定, nutrition, and weight control. 课程包括30分钟的锻炼,然后是营养学讲座/活动,以及将营养学概念应用于现实生活中的膳食计划和准备, for long-term weight control. 最多可以计入三次学分. [S/U]

Current Offerings

pex351小学体育教学 (3 credits)
专为基础教育专业及相关专业设计. 重点是基本体操和翻滚技术的教学和定位. Foundational concepts of balance, flexibility, spatial awareness, motor learning, and risk management will be covered.

Current Offerings
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